Lira dos Betas no Blog #6

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2021
Por: FoxyBlanc
Este texto foi publicado originalmente no Lira dos Betas. O Lira é a caixa de poesia da Liga dos Betas, com textos escritos pelos nossos membros. A parceria entre o Blog e o Lira faz com que toda a semana, a nossa programação seja iniciada com um toque de poesia. Agradecemos a FoxyBlanc por autorizar a republicação!
 Good and Bad 🐍


A black thread opened, revealing the snake's mouth. The black flesh of its insides scared Draco, sinking him into a tremendous shortness of breath.
His muscles tensed. His half-open mouth was static, he had forgotten to breathe for seconds, when he remembered, the black mamba had already struck his face.
In moments, Malfoy had a spasm in his bed, his dry throat managed to contain a cry of astonishment. Draco's gaze flickered across the room, looking for someone. Here were alone.
He tried to support himself by curling up on the bed, bringing his hands up to his head. His mark on his left arm looked at him, disgusted by the attitudes and dreams that Draco began to have after being marked.
He felt guilty, ashamed for his actions, but mainly for always feeling that his house was to blame for everything.
Could a Malfoy feel ashamed for the house that has welcomed his family for so many generations? Perhaps that was one of the reasons why one of the deadliest snakes were trying to kill him every night in his dreams. For Draco it was not fear anymore, it was shame, as he had always thought they were noble and majestic.
His house was supposed to mirror his decisions, but Draco couldn't agree with many. To the point that, at that moment, he no longer saw his own nature.
Draco was not bad. Draco didn't think his home was — or needed — to be mean.
Draco would never choose that house if he knew all the suffering he would experience, but even less would change it.
He knew that there, and only there, he felt welcomed even if some of his colleagues chose such a cruel path, which, for Draco, did not reflect even half of what the real Slytherin was.
The Slytherin he wanted to be.


Um comentário:

  1. Draco is a character so psychological complexed, because of it I always like to read about him. The way you described his feelings and movements were very well written.
    The text is fluid, easy to feel what the words are meaning. Congrats <3


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